We are often asked: 'What is collectible, what do you buy?'
The trend in antiques and collectibles is unpredictable - what is 'on' or
'hot' and desirable right now may well be 'out' tomorrow. These items vary
wildly, but become desirable because of their age, condition, provenance,
rarity, craftmanship, beauty - but then, as the saying goes: 'Beauty is in the
eye of the beholder''
Just because it's not to your taste or you simply don't
like or need it, doesn't mean it isn't valuable. A list of what is 'collectable'
really is endless: porcelain, toys, records, glass, jewellery, furniture, boxes,
musical instruments, textiles, scientific instruments, books, militaria,
metalware, art, timepieces, pottery, sporting memorabilia, sculptures, flatware,
ceramics, stamps, coins,... and so it goes on.
Each thing one could name would
have a variety of more or less sought-after types, craftsmen, dates, subjects
and so on.
We will look at and/or make an offer on any item seen, based on our many
years of expertise, experience and research.